While there are times where I introduce a bug or three which cause issues, it is most likely a case of too many user accounts logged into one browser. Please be sure you are only logged into one account when opening this (or any) Google add-on. It is a known Google issue: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/projects#fix_issues_with_multiple_google_accounts
There are multiple ways of getting support. The best, most "real time" way, is to join our Slack group. Here is a link to join: https://join.slack.com/t/docvariables/shared_invite/zt-19grmyszq-g8_LASYTBKZIFhvUYJGbag
You can also log bugs and feature requests at: https://docvars.canny.io/
And, of course, you can always email me at jesse@docvars.com . Be prepared to share a copy of the document you are having trouble with so I can debug it.
Hey, thank you! I really appreciate it... This is a solo-endeavor that require a lot of time to support. Domain subscriptions do not require you to register users directly. I have a report that is sent to me of all domain subscribers and the number of active users in the past 30 days. If your number goes over the limit, no one will lose functionality... I will just email you and ask you to upgrade.
In 2022, I updated our subscription provider from Paypal to Stripe. For users who started their subscription in 2022, you should be able to manage or cancel your subscription by clicking on "My Subscription" in the dropdown menu.
For legacy users, you will need to login to your Paypal account and cancel the subscription within their system. For some accounts, this may be different, but try this link: https://www.paypal.com/myaccount/autopay/
Scroll down and find "Solid Digital, LLC". If you have an active subscription it should display in the right panel with an option to "Cancel".
If you are unable to use either of these methods, just contact me and I can cancel it for you.
Well, aren't you awesome for asking. Obviously, if you find this has saved you time and you use it regularly, I would greatly appreciate a subscription. But, it's not the reason why I do this... I love this app and I am very proud of it. If you like it, then I would greatly appreciate a review on the Google Marketplace. It helps more people become aware of it and use it... which makes me happy!
Reviews: https://gsuite.google.com/marketplace/app/doc_variables/232821636920